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 LIVE Update from Games for Windows LIVE on Halo 2 Vista and more

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LIVE Update from Games for Windows LIVE on Halo 2 Vista and more OwnerkForum Owner

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LIVE Update from Games for Windows LIVE on Halo 2 Vista and more Vide
PostSubject: LIVE Update from Games for Windows LIVE on Halo 2 Vista and more   LIVE Update from Games for Windows LIVE on Halo 2 Vista and more EmptyThu Aug 20, 2009 5:49 pm

Yesterday,Halo 2 Vista received a LIVE Update from Microsoft Game Studios.All H2V gamers bugged MGS or Microsoft Game Studios and we receive our pleas of getting an update fixing all of our problems.Gunmonkey is banned.Crashing games and the exploit is stopped.A Few Servers like the dedicated servers were up and populated.Monstrmoose or Moosifer69 = Racist,Insensitive and a Bad admin also the true hacker who was crashing games.And the Exploit which the browser crashes and the Custom match crashes.If your a rookie don't go to Monstrmoose you might get banned for just stealing banshee's destroying other teams vehicles and raping Moosifer69.I am banned too.I put H2V on a Gamertag so my brother can play and now he doesn't play anymore.And got banned for no reason also my Gamer tag as well.And he made up a story of harassing players,destroying team vehicles and also swording my OWN team when they are shooting.WTF?!So yeah Monstrmoose is a disgrace to people and AsK also HSG also my friend Kittyliker are banned for Raping and were accused of aimbotting.They all use controllers and what is the big deal.I'm a bit close to beat people using controllers.(Controllers have a built-in aimbot also autoaim) BTW,I got booted by XR Ghost -something- for owning at his game.He said I used a controller I was like I don't need to use a controller to own.He said "yeah right troller noob" and he booted me.He thinks I use a controller to get double kill no-scopes.It's called "LUCK" and "Skill"

Coag24x7shee is back.YAY!and I pwned a warthog and banshee also a Ghost.Sniped Ghost boy Sniped 3 people off the Warthog and used Shotty to kill banshee nub to get the killtrocity.How Embarassing for the 5 people getting killed on Vehicles.And the Hog had a Flag carrier and Flag returned xD!
Amazing luck ain't it?

Your Moderator:Johnston

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LIVE Update from Games for Windows LIVE on Halo 2 Vista and more

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